Monday morning April 16th started out as an ordinary day just as every day did I got up for my 830 class went there came back and took a nap before my 1245 class..When I woke up and turned my computer on i sat there in shock reading "Massacre at Virgina Tech" in the matter of minutes it went from one confirmed dead to 20 confirmed dead to over 3o confirmed dead....30+ students who lost there life on Monday April 16th..Tying this post somewhat into a social networking blog post just look at facebook...Within minutes these people who lost there life walls filled up with messages remembering them...Within hours groups mourning the loss of all people that lost there life..The rest of time the memories these people have given them...While personally I did not know any of these people something like this hit home for me just a few months ago when two of my personal friends were shot and killed at school in Arizona...Within hours on facebook there profiles filled with memories that will last forever...Facebook allowed all people that knew these people in both schools to come and join and mourn together....Social Networking sites have given a new way for peoples life who was unfortunately cut short and let there memories live on for ever....Please look at these and keep these people in your minds its a terrible tragedy..And its even harder when it hits home....When looking at your friends list on facebook just go down and look and the amount of people who have changed their picture to mourn this great loss...Facebook has given one more way for people to mourn a loss at a time of great loss
Now on a personal note as i refereed to earlier in my post...As i sat in my room about to turn on the Daytona 500 i got the worst news ever...My 2 friends shot and killed in school in Arizona was a message i recivied from one of my friends....You watch it on the news you read the posts on facebook it just never hits you as hard until you know people involved...Thanks to facebook i was able to communicate quickly with all of my friends to organize rides to make it home service arrangements etc...These are just other ways new social networking sights have given people today a way to communicate...
Remembering my personal friends and those who lost there lives at Virgina Tech forever

1 comment:
I think it is very interesting that soon after the news broke about the shooting there have been more than 100 groups dedicated in some way to the shooting: networks and people coming together to show support.
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