Tuesday, February 27, 2007

What does your reputation do to you in the LONG RUN?

Did you ever think something that you did during college would come back to haunt you years after? Did you ever think missing one payment on a credit card would hurt you that bad? How about failing to pay for that ebay item you just bidded on would really hurt you in the long yes? The answer to all these questions really should be thought about because they all do affect you in some way or other?

Take your face book or my space account...Those pics of you at a frat party playing beer pong, doing a keg stand, drinking underage, and many other pics that seem to pop up of you doing inappropriate things...Why facebook and myspace have become so popular among college students as a form of social networking as a way to keep friends and look at those pics people put up of you it has also come a huge tool for companies investigating new employees...Those pictures notes and other things your names are tagged in come up in search engines across the Internet and now for the first time we see employers using these search engines to find out about you...Its no wonder when a survey was done 1 in 4 hiring managers said they look for people in search engines before making a decision on hiring...

Ever wonder what happens when you click submit after putting all your information in an online ordering site?...Ever wonder what happens after you swipe your credit card at a store?...By swiping your card or hitting that submit button it now gives the store permission to search all of your "reputations" which include credit histories and stuff like that...After looking at numerous information in a matter of seconds the company databases then decide based on your reputation if they want to give you the product on credit...So companies see all of your past problems in those seconds before they tell you if your credit card has been accepted...

And now ebay all of those feedback...many people argue this is not a reliable source of your reputation as people sometimes fear of putting bad feedback...But if you have a bad feedback even from years back sellers will be scared to sell you there product...

Reputations are huge and with the help of the Internet it is becoming such a huge debate...The Internet has helped get your reputation across the entire world with the click of a button...So please think twice about what you post on your wall, what pics have your name connected to it, think how many people know you missed your credit payment...These all do affect you in the long run

Smart Mobs Howard Rheingold 113-128


Ich bin Berliner said...

Check out my posts on eBay's feedback system, specifically the one on negative feedback.

Anonymous said...

There have always been skeletons in everybody's closets that come out every once in a while and make you regret them. Now, in the "Information Age," those skeletons are more available than ever. What used to be passed on through word of mouth is now IMed to 10 people at the same time, the ripple effect of one bad decision can be greater than ever before because the information can get more places faster.

管理者 said...

After I read your post, I started to wonder whether reputation should has such a huge power. It is true that reputation can bring order to Web world. However, if it goes too far, everyone may start to fear bad reputation too much and be afraid to say what they want to, even if it is not shameful at all. Will the world be ruled by reputation? Is such future desirable?