Monday, February 5, 2007

different forms of networks all helping this cause

Business relay on customer contact to help there business succeed and in today's age the best form of this type of communication is in the form of blogging...The authors of naked conversations say blogs are the most essential form of communication for a business to its customers and for business that do not blog are trying to hide something from the public...

Everyday blogs pop up at a rate of nearly one per second..and many analysts say if people are not talking about your company they will be soon and if they don't you have a serious problem...companies can see what people are blogging about and see the praises, fix errors that are written or see what customers are complaining about....

Blogs are so informal that most of the time grammar and spelling are not taken into account and are used for the facts inside of them...A blog pioneer likes the informal blog style stating it shows authenticity and the work of a "real person"...While blogs may seem so amazing there are many issues such as legal and giving away company secrets that need to be watched when using a blog.

Kiehne exposed us to a new form of social networking...He introduces (SN'S) Social Network Servers which have really taken off in the last few years such sites of face book, and my space have really taken off with the pioneer friendster not far behind...While these sites incorpoate blogs in there sites they offer something more...these sites produce direct links between people linking them by areas creating numerous amounts of social network linking groups of friends together creating these huge networks...

Networks really started with the invention of the telephone and networks took off with the invention of computer networks in the 1960's letting people cement there relationships...

Networks in the end let a company monitor networks keeping an eye on the outer bounds and all of the members behaviors

Smart Mobs Howard Rheingold
Naked Conversations Robert Scoble

1 comment:

Ich bin Berliner said...

Please don't take this as a personal affront but do you think that for a blog to be "authentic" it requires inattention to grammar and spelling? I believe that attention to grammar and spelling generally makes writing easier to follow. Also, what does it say about a company if its public blog is written poorly? If I were considering working for or investing in a company that had a sloppy-appearing blog, I would probably have to think twice about my business decision. I know that every time I'm online and reading something on a company website or considering purchasing from a new company's website, when I find typos or bad grammar, it makes me hesitate the validity of what's written. I guess I look at proofreading one's writing as vitally important to presenting a good image and I wonder how many others think the same, at least with corporate images.